Wednesday 10 April 2013

Easter Aussie style

March 31st to 7th April 2013

Apologies to those readers who've noticed that it's been a little while since our last post! Internet access has been somewhat intermittent since our arrival and of course, we've been enjoying our holiday.

Spent  our first week in Australia in the beautiful Mornington Peninsular area, about 2 hours south of Melbourne. Imagine golden sandy beaches, lots of interesting little shops, cafĂ©'s and restaurants and loads of wineries and you'll understand how tough this was! We were lucky enough to stay very close to Mornington town centre and just across the road from the beach in a beautiful beach house with views across the water. 

The house, yards from beach and minutes from town centre
Early morning view from balcony

Mornington Beach

We visited art galleries, glass studios, wineries and The McClelland Gallery, a fabulous sculpture and art gallery. This was the Murdoch empire at it's best. Rupert's late mother was a major benefactor of this wonderful facility. Every two years the gallery runs a competition for a new piece of external sculpture that will be sustainable for the long term. The £100k prize is hard fought for and we viewed the final 36 so pieces that had been short listed. Amazingly diverse and so many were so clever! A few of our favourites are shown below

You try high jumping a boulder!

Not quite origami

See, yoga can work

You'd never have guessed!

So passionate

Made from real trees
Boy looking down

Our favourite. This one makes music when approached by onlookers

The winner (photo doesn't do it justice)
Thanks To Terry and Tina for letting us stay in their beautiful home

Tips! Go early if you're visiting any of the markets around the Peninsular, they get very crowded. If heading for the Great Ocean rd, catch the ferry from Sorrento to Queensville.

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