Sunday 12 May 2013

Cuddly sleepers!

7th May 2013

Since we came to Australia (unbelievably over a month ago), we haven't seen any Koala's so today we  got our fix of the cute and cuddly marsupials. Yes we've all called it a bear for years, and it looks like a bear but in fact it's a marsupial. Whatever! They are so cute. They lead pretty strange lives though, eating only one type of eucalyptus and sleeping most of the time. 

Spent  a happy morning at the wonderful "Lone Pine Sanctuary" in Brisbane. Here they care for a variety of native animals, recreating their natural environment as far as that's possible in captivity. 

We have loads of pictures of Koalas, including one of us holding Ralph, a two and a half year old Koala with excellent manners. Yes, holding Koala's for pictures is a sensitive subject and Queensland is one of the few states that still allows it (maybe the only one). At Lone Pine however it is done very sensitively with each koala only posing for a short period before going back to rest. The money from the entry fee and photos all goes to help research and feed and care for the animals so any guilt we may have felt was assuaged. Will save you from the many many photos we have, but here's a selection!

Feeding time

Looks like a bear!
Posy Koala!

Also saw a freshwater crocodile.  Didn't get quite as close to him. 

And a Cassowary. These are enormous (Emu size plus) flightless birds that are pretty scarce but are found in North Eastern Australia (more of that in a later blog). 

and Emu's, roos - we got up close and personal with a "mob" of them, large lizards some of them sporting very fancy coloured necks and some barking owls.
A mob of roos
Such delicate paws!

A barking owl - sounds just like a dog!

Just taking a walk

Great place, thoroughly recommend it.

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