Friday 15 February 2013

Across the Water to South Island

13th Feb.
 Early start today as we had to be at the ferry terminal by 7.15am- bit of a shock to us holiday types! All went well and we had a very comfortable crossing on millpond-like water!

Ferry from Wellington to Picton

Entry into Picton

Drove about half an hour from Picton to Blenheim. Nice camp site within about 10 mins walk of the town. Only one problem with being so close to town is the proximity of a busy road and a rail line. Heh hoh, there's always a compromise!

Feb 14th - our first Valentine's Day in New Zealand!

Fabulous warm day. After a lazy morning we set off on what was to be a very enjoyable trip around 4 vineyards. There are vines everywhere here - some of you may have heard of the Marlborough region. It produces over 70% of New Zealand wines, mostly Sauvignon Blanc but also some Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Riesling etc. 

Vineyard near Blenheim - the couple that run it also have 2 sets of youngish twin daughters!
The thing is that NZ wine tastings aren't like French ones, Kiwis are rightly proud of their wine and they give you pretty generous samples - at least 6 in each winery and they don't expect you to spit it out after tasting! We started with champagne style bubbles (appropriate for Valentines Day) so you can imagine that our bus of 10 or so people was a very jolly gathering by 5pm when we rounded off the day at a chocolate factory!

A certain amount of sobering up was required but a shower and walk into town for dinner helped sufficiently to tempt us to a Margarita cocktail with our dinner in a pleasant restaurant overlooking the river. All in all a lovely way to celebrate Valentines Day. 

15th Feb.. and on to Kaikoura

We've travelled about 2 hours South down the coast to the whale watching centre of Kaikoura. On the way we stopped to marvel at the seal colony on the rocks by the road. They look so funny as they flip flop around the rocks. Tomorrow we go whale watching but this afternoon we're relaxing on a camp site by a black sand beach at Peketa. 

Arty pic of driftwood at Peketa beach near Kaikoura

Black sand beach at Peketa - just yards from our Camper Van berth

The black bits are seals! Video to follow when we have a stronger Internet connection

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