Sunday 3 February 2013

Arrival in Tolkein land and a gathering of the Sherlock Clan

So onwards and upwards and another 11 hour flight has seen us land safely in New Zealand. We're spending one night in Auckland to try and catch up with some sleep (neither of us slept much last night despite the flat beds!). Have been up the Sky Tower - all 220metres of it this pm and oohed and aah-ed at some lovely views. Ate an interesting meal by the waterfront in wonderful sunshine. We were presented with our sharing plate of raw goods and a hot grill and cooked for ourselves! Good fun actually.  Off to stay with our lovely rellies, Jo and Blom  and family tomorrow.  

Auckland Harbour
Sky Tower Auckland

Views from Sky Tower

2 and 3 February 

Went on a trip to the West coast and inland to the area where Jo and Blom had a farm for many years. Fantastic scenery, though in contrast to the UK, it's been really dry over here for some months so the grass is brown rather than it's normal lush green. Spent a happy couple of hours in a lovely local cafe and paddling in a creek (Bruce was in his element and grandson Zac quite enjoyed it as well!).  Went to a surfing beach with some impressive waves and black sand, something we'd never seen before and an indication of the volcanic history of the area. This is such a beautiful country - so much open space!

Jo, Blom & Mags.
Blom proudly displaying his Wiggo T shirt

Linda and Sienna, 7 months gorgeous!

If only I could reach a bit further...

Linda and Zac at play with Blom in creek

Wonderful scenery but very dry

The views go on forever
At three, Zac was lucky enough to have two birthdays. An official one which coincided with a large gathering of the Sherlock clan and another party a week later for a smaller selection of his friends. He quickly got into the birthday spirit.

Zac enjoys his birthday T shirts

Zac's cake handmade by clever Mum, Linda.

Jenny and Pam
Sandy, Linda, Renee, Andrew and fiance with Sienna
Group shot

 Ian, Tamara and bump
Ian practices baby feeding!
The cake is eagerly awaited!

Rory Sherlock & David Bovill

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