Friday 15 March 2013

A stunning farewell!

14th/15th March

The journey back to Picton (home of the ferry terminal) was a fitting farewell to our South Island experience. Tackled Takaka Hill again. Only 20k or so of steep roads!
Takaka Hill

and then on through part of the Marlborough Sounds. Like the Milford Sounds these were formed thousands of years ago by glacial activity which form these fantastically beautiful flooded valleys. Another 20km or so of very windy roads but what a view! The journey took us twice as long as it could have done as we kept stopping to admire the view. 
Marlborough Sounds

Miles of beautiful scenery

What struck us is how quiet this place is. At one photo stop, there was literally no sound other than birdsong and the gentle lapping of water against boat moorings. Idyllic at least in good weather. Noticeable that all these roads have signs that indicate whether or not the roads are open and I can imagine that in bad weather, you would not be able to travel far.

Oh for a boat!

Governors Bay

And then finally to Picton and the ferry. Bye bye South Island - we've loved our time here and hope to be back.

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