Sunday 10 March 2013

Kiwi humour and soggy cows and sheep!

As we travel along, we get to see some funny sites. The Kiwi sense of humour is nowhere more evident than on its road signs. Often hard hitting and straight to the point, like the one that shows two sides of a road. The left (i.e. the side they drive on), is shown as "Live" and the right hand side as "Die".

The road sign below takes the prize so far!

South island is generally much greener than North island. Normally this is because they get more rain than the North but this summer has been exceptionally hot and dry all over New Zealand and several areas in the North have been declared drought zones. The poor farmers are suffering as milk, lamb and beef prices fall because the animals haven't had enough good stuff to graze on. In the South they appear to have much more water and most farmers seem to be irrigating their pasture. Everywhere we go we see huge irrigation machines - they look a bit like old fashioned planes hovering over huge fields. Normally the fields that they are watering are empty so we were amused to pass this field of sheep recently, happily grazing while being watered!

Sheep grazing while being watered
And also some water loving cows!

Watering the Cows

Lots of cows in this field but pretty typical numbers

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