Saturday 29 June 2013

Blink or miss the States!

June 16 to 19th 2013

Quick dash into the States or at least as quick as any visit to the USA can be. Understandably security is tight but the powers that be should really be able to organise the customs process better. We arrived in Los Angeles, admittedly a busy airport, to face a huge queue of increasingly disgruntled passengers. Took about an hour to get to a customs desk, have our finger prints taken and a shot of our eyes. And then we had a pleasant surprise - a customs official with a sense of humour. Having taken our finger prints she asked us to raise our left toes to the machine (some 5 feet in the air). "Well" she smiled, "you guys look so serious I had to make you laugh somehow!" Fabulous. 

That was enough of LA and we flew on to Portland the same day. No dramas there and we caught up with some sleep and tried to adjust to the fact that we were now some 8 hours behind the UK instead of 11 hours in front! 

In 1980 Maggie and her friend Sue went to the States and stayed with Maggie's relatives in Lake Oswego. 33 years on we went to visit the same relatives, Evlyn and Mickey. We're all older but their welcome was just as warm as all those years ago. Now in their 80's they still look good and have a huge family with 15 grandchildren and over 10 great grandchildren. Also found out that they eloped  over 60 years ago so that they could marry before Mickey's possible call up for the Vietnam war. So romantic!
Spent a lovely day with them in their home at Oceanside, a tiny little hamlet by the Oregon coast.Wasn't great weather and the walk on the beach was pretty blowy - very reminiscent of UK beaches!

Mickey and Evlyn, Maggie's American cousins

Oceanside beach with its three arches

Quick dash the next day back to Portland where we hooked up with another cousin, Sue and her husband Jon. They'd just returned from a trip to Europe so we were able to swop travel notes!
More American cousins. Sue & John with Mags and Mike

So a couple of interesting days renewing connections with family around the globe. It's lovely to hear what everyone's doing. 

So that was our visit to the States! Lots more to do on the next visit. 

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