Thursday 13 June 2013

Celebrations and some rather forgettable golf!

June 11th -12th

11th June was our second wedding anniversary and also marks nearly 18 years of a very happy relationship. We had a lovely day snorkeling and relaxing in the sea. 

 Ever prepared we'd also bought a couple of anniversary pressies as we saw spotted them on our travels. There's a definite animal theme!

Our wonderful red eyed, orange bellied frog

A beautiful Gecko decorated with paua shell

The bakery did us proud, producing a special dairy free delicious cake and we went to our favourite restaurant in the evening, the Vaima, in the evening. The restaurant doesn't look like much from the outside but inside it's simply but nicely done with tables right down to the beach. As it turned out it was a wet and blowy night so we ate inside but replaced the bright clusters of stars with our own indoor sparklers!

Anniversary celebrations
The Vaima is another good example of the laid back approach and willingness to accommodate customer wishes. Back in February at our first wine tasting tour we'd  bought a good bottle of NZ champagne which we'd managed to carry intact through the past 4 months of travel. The restaurant was happy to let us drink it with our meal for a reasonable corkage fee. Suspect we'd have got a different reaction in most English restaurants!

So a magical day and then we came back to earth with a bump! It poured with rain this morning and was cloudy when it stopped so we decided to go and play golf thinking that it would be cooler. Oh no! As soon as we got on the course the sun came out and we roasted! That and the borrowed clubs (in Maggie's case she was playing with Men's clubs) and the very confusing layout of the course were all very good reasons why we didn't score our rather dismal performance. However we need the practice! Don't think the club will be inviting us to join any time soon.

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