Wednesday 3 July 2013

Celebrating in Canada

1st July Canada Day!

Staying with Mike's brother and his family in their beautiful home in Oregon. Near a huge lake where most water sports are available, next to a golf course for summer sport and close to ski slopes for the winter, what more could you want? 

1st July is Canada Day. A celebration of the Act in 1867 which united three colonies into a single country called Canada within the British Empire. Flags were flying, most people were dressed in the red and white of the Canadian flag and there was a real feeling that this was a special day. Pity that St. George's day doesn't have quite the same feel.

The local towns around here had a joint parade featuring local public services and businesses, a number of farming related floats, sheep with Maple Leaf tattoos and classic cars many of which were English. Fallen slightly behind the rest of the classic pack came a rather snazzy red Morgan"driven" by Mike's brother, Peter. Strictly speaking by the time the car appeared in Thornbury, it was being pushed by Peter's wife, Sue, rather than driven having broken down en route! Since Sue's efforts were witnessed by many of their friends it seems very likely that there will be a fair amount of leg pulling in the next few days, not to mention special features on Facebook!

Canada Day Parade in Thornbury, Ontario

My bike is bigger than yours!

Oh for those eyelashes!

Familiar faces in the crowd. Emily, Emma and Katie

Sue pushing Peter in his Morgan!
 Had a lovely family day with Sue and Peter and their daughters, Katie and Emily, granddaughter Emma, future son in law Nik and Sue's brother Barry and sister in law Marjorie. 

Lots of fun in the pool with grandma on duty!

Emma, armed and dangerous!

Nik and Katie
Emma acting as Sue's hair stylist!

The day ended with firework on the practice ground. Not the best display ever but fun nevertheless!

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