Saturday 13 July 2013

The end of one adventure & the start of another

10th July 2013

5 months and 14 days after we left snow bound Britain we arrived back in glorious sunshine.  Everyone at home has been asking us to bring sunshine with us and we seem to have done so. Et Voila!

Difficult to sum up the trip. Lots of "f" words come to mind. Fantastic, fascinating, fabulous, fun filled, fortunate, family orientated. Certainly a time that we'll never forget. We've seen some magical scenery, got close to a range of unusual animals, driven thousands of miles, survived nearly 7 weeks in a camper van, avoided the excesses of global warning such as floods that have threatened our itinerary from time to time, explored Hobbiton, eaten some wonderful food and drunk some very acceptable wines, met some extraordinary people. All wonderful. 

However amongst the most memorable are the times spent with family and friends around the globe. Amazing that we have rellies and friends in North and South Island in New Zealand, Australia, USA and East and West Canada. Thanks to all of them who made us feel so welcome even when it was the first meeting. Hopefully we'll get the opportunity to return the hospitality before too long.

Thanks to all our readers around the world. We hope that you've enjoyed the blog and that we've managed to share some of the magic of our trip.

And so on to the start of our next adventures. The immediate task is to re landscape the back garden to make it maintenance free. Other plans include a party for Mike's birthday in August, trips to Cyprus and Barcelona and who knows what other excitements!

Bye for now, Mike and Maggie.

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