Thursday 31 January 2013

Hong Kong. China no more!

Days 2 and 3  in HK were spent exploring more of Kowloon and HK Island. Such a city of stark contrasts - the city areas are absolutely packed with people - 2.5m in one small area of Kowloon alone! Fancy glass office blocks, hotels and flats are packed in cheek by jowl with all the well known brands such as Harvey Nicks, Chanel etc but look above the street scene and you'll often find pretty grotty accommodation. Makes London look spacious! Then travel a few miles up the coast on HK island and there's some lovely scenery and surprisingly pretty beaches. Mind you even by the beach you can't get away from high rise flats - there are at least double the number of sky scrapers in HK than New York apparently and most habitable parts of the coast line are dominated by huge high rise apartments and hotels that cost a fortune!

Typical shopping street

Amazing decorations in the shopping Malls

Just a few vehicles in the town centre

View over the City

The beach

We now realise that we've boobed! Normally we're both accomplished shoppers and HK has loads and loads of shops. However having got some fabulous fabric for our bedroom yesterday (which we've posted home!) neither of us felt like shopping seriously when we have to carry it around for the next 6 months. If we come again, we'll bring less or fit in HK at the end of the trip!

Hong Kong  laser light show. Free every evening

The difference in atmosphere here compared to the UK has struck us both. While there are a few street beggars and clearly varying levels of income, there's a huge buzz about the city and no sense of recession or anything approaching it. Certainly it's the only place I've been to where the locals queue to get into high end shops such as Chanel and Hermes when there are no sales on! Fancy clothes, cars  and watches are an all important part of the "face" put on by the Chinese, young and old, to show the world how well they're doing.

A few things we'd definitely recommend to visitors to Hong Kong. Take the cable car to the top of Victoria Peak.The journey is an experience in itself and the view, on a clear day and once the smog has cleared, is amazing. Watch the fabulous laser show down by the harbour. It's on for 15 minutes every evening and is free. Visit Kowloon Park, a peaceful haven in the midst of all the hussle and bustle. Take the Big Red Bus tour around the City. It's a good way to get a sense of the City as a whole.

Kowloon park - a haven in the City Centre

We've enjoyed our visit to HK but 2 and a bit days was enough. We won't rush back. While the city shares much of the madness of Kuala Lumpur or Bangkok, it lacks their character and there are more interesting places to visit.

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