Saturday 12 January 2013

The Starting Point for our Adventures

Welcome to Mags and Mike's Travel Blog 2013!

19 Dec 12 - On this site we'll be giving you the highlights of our round the world tour between Feb and July 2013. At present we're still settling into our new home in Bromyard, Herefordshire. For the first time since we've been together we're in the UK for Christmas so we have put up some tasteful decs and have a lovely tree!

9th Jan 13 - our trip is getting closer and we are getting very excited. First we have a get together for our niece Ruth who is home from Beirut for a short break. Then we are off to Pembrokeshire to see Maggie's Dad for the last time before we go. Finally we are having a get together for our neighbours next weekend to say hello and goodbye for the next 6 months. Luckily a lot of the planning for the trip has already been done, but we still have to packing to do; everything we need for 6 months in 2 bags - no pressure then.

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