Sunday 20 January 2013

Sherlock Family "do" for Ruth's homecoming Jan 13

That's my boy! Ed and Alex
Ruth Sherlock, journalist extraordinaire paid a rare visit to the UK so we killed the fatted calf,  soaked lots of lentils and most of the family assembled for a "do" to celebrate her homecoming.
Donna, Ruth, Huw, Alex and Ed's chin!

Proud Parents!
Merriment abounded and a fair amount of alcohol and good food was consumed. The younger generation even persuaded us to play a party game that involved naming famous people.  This proved hilarious given that nationalities included English, Welsh, Colombian and Italian. 

Lovely to see Ruth and for the family (or most of it) to be together. Happy New Year!
and butter wouldn't melt
Mike and Donna

Patricia, Huw, Ruth, Donna, Mags, Ed, Alex

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